KUNDENSTORY – SKF USA INC. Via WLAN, the DMG MORI Master Computer MCC LPS IV transmits the transport orders to the TH-AGV, which then reliably delivers the tools to the correct machine. Process optimization follows a group-wide role model Both with technology integration on a machine and the extended automation, SKF is breaking completely new ground. Consequently, this process first has to be introduced to the respective teams,” admits Marcus Jakob. However, the optimized pro- cesses have quickly convinced everyone involved; reason enough to continue on this path in the future. Specifically, he is thinking about a DMU 210 FD that will work accord- ing to the same principle. “These technical solutions in France and Sumter naturally serve as a good role model within the entire SKF Group.” « Kenneth McFadden is a machine operator from the SKF team responsible for one of the DMU 340 FDs. Director of Operations. He also states that setup of components has been accelerated with the help of robotic automation from Fastems. The model for this process was a plant that he had previously established in his role as Aerospace Process Development Manager: “There, it involved robot-assisted production of smaller bearing rings for the aerospace sector.” In Sumter, he says, “SKF extended this principle to XXL machining on top of adding best in class workholding and automation principles. “While automation ensures continuous manufacturing operation and maximizes the utilization of the machin- ing centers, our team can fully concentrate on preparing new orders and quality control.” TH-AGV: autonomous and process-safe tool handling Another issue SKF addressed during this pro- ject was tool management. With the TH-AGV, DMG MORI also had a product in its product range that supports the automation of this process. “60 tool changes per shift is a huge, time consuming task,” explains Marcus Jakob. “The TH-AGV ensures autonomous transport of all tools to the respective machine.” The TH-AGV can accommodate tools weighing up to 50 kg with diameters of 400 mm and lengths of 380 mm. The maximum loading weight with 16 tools is 480 kg. The safety of people and machines is ensured by scanners and sensors that permanently monitor the AGV travel path. Central tool management with MCC LPS from DMG MORI A decisive factor in tool management is pro- cess reliability. In central tool management, SKF uses RFID chips to assign tools to the respective orders and machines. “Thanks to end-to-end digitization from tool presetting to machining, we can be sure that no incor- rect tools are changed nor incorrect offsets entered into the controller.” Here also, the TH-AGV assumes an important role. SKF FACTS + Founded in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1907 + Extensive range of products and services in the fields of roller bearings, seals, lubrication and mechatronics + Customers in the aerospace, medical, semiconductor, automotive and energy sectors, among others SKF USA Inc. 925 Corporate Circle, Sumter 29154 South Carolina, USA www.skf.com TECHNOLOGY E XCELLENCE 51